xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Whitefeather Meats Lifestyle (Primal Style): Day 24 Food Log 3/15/12


Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 24 Food Log 3/15/12

Breakfast was 2 Gala Apples, Whitefeather Beef Smokies and some Hartzlers Whole Milk.

I had more Beef Smokies throughout the morning.  I had woken up with a headache and I felt just weak in general and I knew I needed to increase my calories and carbs a bit.

Lunch was a chipotle salad with double meat chicken, black and pinto beans, lettuce of course, cheese, and also Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.  I had water to drink.  Notice the higher calorie lunch with carbs from the beans.

Dinner was another Hydroponic lettuce salad, Tomato Basil Chicken breast and Hickory smoked bacon topped with red peppers and carrot slices.  You seriously do not even need dressing with suck great tasting meats on a salad.  Water to drink.

I had another glass of Hartzlers Milk before bed.

I felt good by the time I had to go to bed.  Being on a carb restricted diet means you will need to pay attention to how you feel in order not to lose muscle mass or get run down and tired.  I knew I needed more nutrients after my big day wednesday of lots of work and not enough calories.  (Although this would be a great way to lose "weight" I am trying to lose fat and I could tell my body was too weak to be burning fat and I was likely just losing muscle mass.)  Fat loss is a marathon, not a sprint.

*****The public and the media seem to be super interested in the Pink Slime ground beef still.  Now the debate is making sure that the meat industry offers non-pink slime beef to schools.  Do people not understand that if a company is turning their meat into pink slime, apparently something was wrong with it in the first place.  What makes people think that if they force the company to stop producing pink slime they will miraculously come up with a great quality ground beef product.  I think it is great that the factory farms and giant meat processors are finally getting some light shown on their practices but people need to use this as a lesson and realize that as long as they car buying ground beef for $1.49/lb you can bet your dinner that its chemical laden and likely the worst quality meat you can find.  How much is your health worth to you?  Think about that the next time you decide to save a few cents and go with the cheaper meat or vegetables for dinner.....there is a scary reason why its cheaper.

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