xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Whitefeather Meats Lifestyle (Primal Style): Day 32 Food Log 3/23/12


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 32 Food Log 3/23/12

My day started as usual (before daylight).  One of the Owners at Whitefeather enjoys weight training and physical fitness and on this wonderful morning I brought my newest creation to work......a new pushing sled.  You basically just get in front of or behind the sled and push it....terribly difficult and taxing workout which left my sled pushing pal rolling around in the parking lot because the muscle tightness and the pump in his legs was more than he could handle.  (Another one of the brothers I work with used to lift weights with us until he says we stopped lifitng weights.....crossfit isn't all weight lifting.)  Anyway, sled pushing is probably one of the best forms of strength training cardio I have ever done.  Just push it back and forth for a few laps and your whole body is exhasuted and you are covered in sweat. 

Breakfast was excellent as was my entire day of eating.  For breakfast I had some fresh Bluegill caught locally and processed by Whitefeather.  I also had 3 Organic Whole Eggs, some Pepperstick Grassfed Beef and some Peppered No-Nitrite Bacon.  Black Phoenix Coffee to drink.

Lunch was even better than breakfast.
Lunch consisted of Bison Filets, more Peppered Bacon and 5 Organic Whole Eggs.  Water to drink.  Bison filets would have to be the most tender meat I have ever tried.  I DID cut the filets with my fork.  The flavor is outstanding.  You just need to try them sometime to see for yourself.

Dinner was some 100% Grassfed Beef Filets and yet more bacon only it was the Hickory Smoked version for dinner.  I also had some grilled veggies.  The Grassfed filet was excellent as well but if I were to chose again I would have to go with the Bison.  Water to drink. 

I was very pleased with my eating in that I got in a lot of protein and I was planning to eat 12 Eggs but I was too full to force 4 more down the hatch.  I still feel great every day and I literally have knocked an hour off of my sleep schedule every night without getting tired or waking up groggy.

I am looking forward to this next weigh in as I know I am losing fat still and my cheat meal seemingly didn't have any negative consequences.

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