xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Whitefeather Meats Lifestyle (Primal Style): Day 35 Food Log 3/26/12


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 35 Food Log 3/26/12

Breakfast was 4 Whole Eggs RAW mixed up in a glass of Hartzlers Whole Milk.  I actually didn't mind eating my breakfast in this form since I often don't feel like making breakfast.

I had some Whitefeather Pepperstick Bologna before lunch.

Lunch was 3 venison burgers and 4 more Whole Eggs, cooked on a skillet this time though. 

I had 1 Empire Apple in the afternoon.

Dinner was 1 Tomato Basil Chicken breast and some peas. 

I had Hartzlers Whole Milk before going to bed.

I was pleased with todays food intake.  Good quality and I was full after each meal.

****My morning workout after I weighed in was a Crossfit workout called Fran.  If you know anything about Crossfit you already know that their workouts are named after womens names.  I don't know why they are named certain names but that is how they refer to them.

The workout incorporated Thrusters and Pull-ups.  A Thruster is where you hold a barbell in your hands and right at shoulder height, squat down, stand up and then press the bar overhead.  It is a very tiring movement.  A pull up is simply a chin up with an overhand grip.  Anyway,  the workout was 21 Thrusters with a 95lb loaded barbell then 21 Pull ups, 15 Thrusters and 15 Pull ups, and then 9 Thrusters and 9 Pull Ups.  You are to do this rep scheme as quickly as you can.  I completed it in 11 minutes and 28 seconds.  My legs were sore within an hour.  Excellent workout in less than 12 minutes.  No one can complain about not having time to workout.  My brother also showed up since he wants to get into shape also and he ended up completeing the reps in about 17 minutes.  He did well considering he is much lighter in weight and he still handled the 95lb thrusters.

I know that if you have never heard of crossfit then you probably think I am crazy.  Here are 2 pictures that it truly is a real sport.  I have never seen a competition but I am getting very interested.  There is something very appealling to me about, "The sport of fitness."

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