xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Whitefeather Meats Lifestyle (Primal Style): Cauliflower Crust Pizza Piled High with Beef and Bacon and my afternoon Crossfit workout


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cauliflower Crust Pizza Piled High with Beef and Bacon and my afternoon Crossfit workout

These is truly an amazing low carb, high protein pizza.  Plenty of veggies with the cauliflower crust, and peppers and as much protein as you want to ad by piling the meat on.  Grassfed Beef of course.

I needed this before hitting up one of the hardest workouts I have done in awhile.

It was a crossfit based workout:

275lbs x 8 reps double overhand deadlift
6 pull ups
10 reps of 28" box jumps
10 reps swinging 20lb sledge hammer into tractor tire

repeat as many times as possible in 18 minutes....I didn't count the circuits I was just trying to breath

Then we pulled a 100ft rope dragging a 100lb chain across the barn lot...hand over hand pulling for a few trips....then called it a day.  It was way too nice out to not get a good workout in outside.

My workouts probably seem crazy or silly to some of you but Crossift is all about high intensity and having fun.  Crossfit is basically the sport of fitness.  The only goal is to be in shape and healthy.  The workouts are short but super intense. 

"Eat clean, train dirty."   My new motto.

This is a picture of the head of a 40lb sledge hammer I custom built for a guy.  I used a 20lb hammer today and that was plenty.  Is there a better way to blow off some steam then hitting a tire as hard as you can with a sledge hammer?

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