xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Whitefeather Meats Lifestyle (Primal Style): Day 21 Food Log 3/12/12 and New workout from Carole


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 21 Food Log 3/12/12 and New workout from Carole

Breakfast was a glass of Hartzlers Whole milk, a few Beef Smokies and 1 Gala Apple.
Lunch was some Bison Chili over top of a plate of lettuce.  I also had a half of a Sirloin Steak and a half of a Strip Steak.  Water and Black Phoenix Coffee to drink. 
I had dinner late due to going to Carole Laney's gym for my bodyfat test.  I ended up eating more Bison chili over a plate of lettuce.  Water to drink.

****As I type this I am feeling general soreness from the workouts I have done over the past few days.  My calves are sore from the box jumps.  My lats are sore from chin ups, pull ups and toes to bar.  My abs are still sore from saturdays workout.  Oddly enough I love the feeling though because I know that means my body is changing. 

The workout Carole gave me last night that I need to perform each week is:

10 minutes of rowing for a total of about 3000 meters- warm up

Then all 4 exercises listed below in order without a break for 3 circuits of 10/8/5

Burpee Box Jump- Basically a push up then jump up and jump onto a plyo box

Man maker-  Basically a push up with a dumbbell in each hand and at the top of the push up you row each dumbbell up to your stomach

Up/Down Plank-  You get into the plank position on your forearms and then go up to your hands like a puch up and then back down.  Good core training.

Kipping pull ups-  Kind of like a pull up except you use momentum to help pull your self over the bar and you use your back muscles a little differently to swing yourself above the bar.

I will be doing this workout once each week for the next 6 weeks while trying to decrease the amount of time it takes me to finish the circuit.  My first attempt will be this morning. 

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